In the land of the Ponderosas lies Sisters. Now, everyone may expect me to be full of praise for Sisters, but I don't think so. I think Sisters is really nice and all, there's just something about it that seems artificial. All of the western themed architecture is great and all, but at the end of the day, it's all a little much. Everything in downtown Sisters seems like it's constructed for a specific purpose, and that purpose is for tourists. Sisters is the dream small town in the dream place, but something about it just doesn't  seem natural. It is forced to stick to this gimmick that has taken over every bit of the town. It is a well functioning city, with good people and good homes and good businesses. There is something though that is  driving people to move here and visit here. 

When I went to Sisters most recently, I was stuck in a traffic jam, going into Sisters, it's partially because the city won't put up traffic lights and partially because everybody want's to go there. It's the essential sleepy little town, except it's anything but sleepy. The streets are always crowded with people, the street parking is full and every restaurant has a waiting list or a line out the door. 

Sisters is a great place, and if you like it by all means go there and maybe move there, but be mindful of all the buzz going around about it. Houses are about average price in Sisters, but they are climbing. And everybody seems to want a piece of Sisters. The Population more than doubled between 2000 and 2010. It would be a pretty cool place to live, with a lot of parks and pretty much no crime. The extreme weather might get on my nerves a little bit though. 

Sisters has all of these western themed things because of it's history, and this kind of echoes the frontier lifestyle around these parts of central Oregon. Sisters and the places around it have a lot of mountains and rivers near them and I think when visiting Sisters, it's important to recognize that it wasn't always like this and you're visiting a place totally different from any other town in Oregon, except for one that is (Jacksonville.) 

In conclusion, I think Sisters is really nice, it's just been a bit overrun by tourists in recent years. There's a fire raging near there, and I really hope Sisters doesn't get damaged. So next time you're down there, see what Sisters is like, and tell me if you like it. 


  1. Spot on review! Yeah, there's a lot to love about Sisters, but that town is just trying to hard to a cute western town. Even the gas stations look like discarded sets from the TV show Bonanza. Overrun is right!


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